Entries in wedding (20)
Carrie & Sky *Venice - Day Two
Behind the Scene Video Production: Tamara Wong@Tamarart
Make Up: Sugar Li
BGM: Kylie Minogue - Sweet Music
Cina & Kelvin *Beijing - Summary
經過今次的北京之旅,Photobyben已決定北京將會是2011年Overseas Tour的其中一站。
Sharon & Jeff *The Making of...
今年年頭Sharon和Jeff請了我為他們的Wedding Day拍照, 五月份他們到希臘渡蜜月時, 更邀請我隨團為他們拍了一輯婚紗照。這是於雅典及聖托里尼拍照時的花絮。
Sharon and Jeff had tied their knots early this year, and I was the photographer on their wedding day. In May, they again invited me as their photographer when they traveled to Greece for honeymoon. Here is the "making of" taken in Athens and Santorini.
Sharon & Jeff *Athens/Santorini
今年年頭Sharon和Jeff請了我為他們的Wedding Day拍照, 五月份他們到希臘渡蜜月時, 更邀請我隨團為他們拍了一輯婚紗照。 Sharon and Jeff had tied their knots early this year, and I was the photographer on their wedding day. In May, they again invited me as their photographer when they traveled to Greece for honeymoon. -BEN.T-
Venice & Ed Stacey *The Making of...
These are the clips of making of the pre-wedding shooting in Venice & Florence.
::Venice & Florence Part 1::
::Venice & Florence Part 2::
Venice & Ed Stacey *Venice/Florence
多謝Venice & Edmond給我這次到意大利拍攝的機會。在香港拍攝時, 時常都要發掘一些新景點; 而在意大利卻不需要刻意尋找已經有很多可供拍攝的建築物及景點。而這次旅程亦算天公造美, 一切順利, 拍攝出來的效果亦很滿意。 -BEN.T-