::Ben Tang::

Ben Tang - Photobyben 創辦人身兼Sony CURATORS。堅持打破傳統,不斷追求創新,以構圖及創意拍攝每一張相片、說故事,創造出多張令人難忘的經典作品,是其中一個對行業影嚮深遠的攝影師之一,並於早期已打破傳統,為客人提供外國婚紗照攝影服務。Ben 曾多次奪取國際婚攝協會 WPJA 及 AGWPJA 比賽三甲獎項,於2011年獲 she.com 選為 Top 10 Hong Kong Wedding Photographer、2012年上海《今日新娘》 20大國內外優秀婚禮攝影師、2014年 forHER 香港 5 大婚禮攝影師、2013-2014年被 Wedding Magazine 選為本地10大婚禮攝影師,及 2014-2015年 ESDlife Bridal Award 新人至愛香港婚紗攝影,更曾被上海《今日婚尚》稱為全球十大頂尖華人婚禮攝影師之一。

Email: ben@photobyben.hk
Whatsapp: +852 9707 3424
Instagram: Photobyben

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::Ben is a member of::

WPJA & AG|WPJA Achievement

Q2 2013/Lit Portrait/3rd
Q3 2012/Lit Portrait/3rd
Q4 2011/Trash The Dress/16rd
Q3 2011/Lit Portrait/3rd
Q2 2011/Silhouettes and Shadows/3rd
Q2 2008/Creative Portrait/17th
Q1 2008/Ceremony/11th

Q1 2014/Reception/1st
Q1 2013/Portrait of Bride AND Groom Alone/6th
Q4 2012/Creative Portrait/5th
Q2 2010/Portrait of Bride AND Groom Alone/8th
Q2 2010/Portrait of Bride AND Groom Alone/16th
Q1 2010/Creative Portrait/20th

::Media Coverage::







« Sharon & Jeff *The Making of... | Main | Venice & Ed Stacey *The Making of... »

Sharon & Jeff *Athens/Santorini

今年年頭Sharon和Jeff請了我為他們的Wedding Day拍照, 五月份他們到希臘渡蜜月時, 更邀請我隨行為他們拍了一輯婚紗照。

Sharon and Jeff had tied their knots early this year, and I was the photographer on their wedding day. In May, they again invited me as their photographer when they traveled to Greece for honeymoon.


References (5)

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  • Response
    photobyben - Overseas - Sharon
  • Response
    photobyben - Overseas - Sharon
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    photobyben - Overseas - Sharon
  • Response
    Response: fishing equipments
    photobyben - Overseas - Sharon
  • Response
    Response: raymarine
    photobyben - Overseas - Sharon

Reader Comments (11)

Excellent series! Love the shot.....i wish i can shoot at Santorini soon!

December 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Ng

I think the photographer don't know what kind of photo he is shooting, it doesn't look like a pre-wedding photo at all, it can not present the sweetless of this new marriage couple. This is more look like a series of sunglasses print advertising. If me....I would accept this set of photo and pay for $3.5K.

December 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter小人物

Robin: Thankyou so much! I love Santorini. :)

小人物: I have never expected to have everyone to love my photos and of coz everyone has their freedom of speech.

So far my clients all enjoy viewing my photos and I could fulfill their needs. They employed me for my style. If you don't like my photos, it's fine. But please do try to respect people (mostly my clients, as you are insulting their taste) and also respect yourself. Don't do anything that would hurt the others but at the same time doing nothing good to yourself. (損人不利己) Thanks for your epic speech and God bless you. Cheers!


December 12, 2009 | Registered Commenterphotobyben

I think they are absolutely stunning! Great work :)

February 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChanelle Segerius-Bruce

Very nice~~!!~~
I would like to ask how much u take this pre-wedding and how many photos u can get???

February 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKitty

Hi Kitty, Thanks for your comment, will you please kindly leave me your email address so that I can send you the rate cards? Thx!

February 23, 2010 | Registered Commenterphotobyben

發表愚見:要影相才見到的甜蜜真實嗎?令人能夠聯想的照片更引人入勝嗎?藝術真的沒有定義...深層次的感受不是凡夫能理解,你的高見就是你的人生~不值一提! 相中人回應小人物.....

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSharon

Ben, please send me your rate card to the email address as shown! would like to know for both pre-wedding and wedding day. Thanks!

May 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKitty

To Little Character,

If you like those pic showing lots of love emotion, I suggest you taking a look on those pictures taken by Shenzhen photographer. They must suit your taste.

I personally love this very much !


September 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSean LAU

Can you send me the rate cards of pre wedding photo 2011.

December 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKristy

Hi Kristy, I have sent you the rates to your email, thanks.

February 2, 2011 | Registered Commenterphotobyben

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