::Ben Tang::

Ben Tang - Photobyben 創辦人身兼Sony CURATORS。堅持打破傳統,不斷追求創新,以構圖及創意拍攝每一張相片、說故事,創造出多張令人難忘的經典作品,是其中一個對行業影嚮深遠的攝影師之一,並於早期已打破傳統,為客人提供外國婚紗照攝影服務。Ben 曾多次奪取國際婚攝協會 WPJA 及 AGWPJA 比賽三甲獎項,於2011年獲 she.com 選為 Top 10 Hong Kong Wedding Photographer、2012年上海《今日新娘》 20大國內外優秀婚禮攝影師、2014年 forHER 香港 5 大婚禮攝影師、2013-2014年被 Wedding Magazine 選為本地10大婚禮攝影師,及 2014-2015年 ESDlife Bridal Award 新人至愛香港婚紗攝影,更曾被上海《今日婚尚》稱為全球十大頂尖華人婚禮攝影師之一。

Email: ben@photobyben.hk
Whatsapp: +852 9707 3424
Instagram: Photobyben

::Email Me::
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    ::Ben is a member of::

    WPJA & AG|WPJA Achievement

    Q2 2013/Lit Portrait/3rd
    Q3 2012/Lit Portrait/3rd
    Q4 2011/Trash The Dress/16rd
    Q3 2011/Lit Portrait/3rd
    Q2 2011/Silhouettes and Shadows/3rd
    Q2 2008/Creative Portrait/17th
    Q1 2008/Ceremony/11th

    Q1 2014/Reception/1st
    Q1 2013/Portrait of Bride AND Groom Alone/6th
    Q4 2012/Creative Portrait/5th
    Q2 2010/Portrait of Bride AND Groom Alone/8th
    Q2 2010/Portrait of Bride AND Groom Alone/16th
    Q1 2010/Creative Portrait/20th

    ::Media Coverage::







    Entries in pre-wedding (5)


    Photobyben *WPJA Q3 2012 Contest

    已經是第三次,在Lit Portrait及類似的類別得第三了,希望下次爭取奪冠。^^



    Ben Tang *今日新娘四月號訪問 




    Photobyben *AG|WPJA Q2 2010 Contest

    8th Place - Judges Comment: Such beauty and passion as both lovers and environment meld together in replicating shape as though the entire scene was caught in their embrace.


    16th Place - Judges Comment: It’s not often that a photographer gets an opportunity like this with a rainbow crossing a beautiful sky, a bride in a beautiful dress, a deserted road crossing a prairie and all of it occurring during the magic light prior to sunset. Fortunately the photographer met the opportunity with the blessings of a well composed photo.


    Photobyben *Interview

    這是第108期Wedding Magazine有關海外婚紗拍攝的訪問。

    This is from the Wedding Magazine issue 108th, an interview about oversea pre-wedding shooting.

    - Ben.T -


    Thailand *Break Time

    這次去泰國主要是Relax及找新景點和靈感。五日四夜, 八月四日抵港, 到時再見。

    I'm gonna go to Thailand to relax and look for new spots & inspirations.
    5 days 4 nights, back in HK on the 4th of August, see you later!

    - Ben.T -